Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The power frame consists of a base, vertical racks and an upper frame. The upper frame is designed to accommodate engineering systems (ducts, pipelines, power cables, etc.).At the factory, the engineering systems are fully mounted in the upper frame. The racks are installed in the base (with floor panels installed at the factory) on centering pins and are connected with high-strength bolts. The upper frame is mounted on racks. Then the external and internal wall panels are installed. The finished module is installed on centering pins in the building to be installed and connected to neighboring modules with high-strength bolts through connecting parts. This ensures a single spatial structure that provides the necessary strength and rigidity from all loads.

A typical module consists of a metal power frame, floor and ceiling panels, internal and external wall panels. The power frame consists of a base, vertical struts, braces and an upper frame.
The module leaves the factory with fully installed engineering systems, floor, ceiling panels, external and internal partitions. The module is installed on centering pins in the building to be installed (or in the basement) and is connected to neighboring modules with high-strength bolts through connecting parts. This results in a single spatial structure that provides the necessary strength and rigidity from all applied loads. The docking time of the module using the necessary equipment and tools (including the docking of engineering systems with systems in neighboring modules) by three installers is no more than two hours.


All AMS-MZMO products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant AMS-MZMO: medical and industrial clean rooms, laboratory equipment, ventilation and air conditioning systems of clean rooms
  • Laboratory equipment AMS-MZMO
    Laboratory equipment
    SLSH, BVSH, etc.
  • Clean room ventilation systems AMS-MZMO
    Clean room ventilation systems
    RV-AMS and so on.
  • Clean room air conditioning systems AMS-MZMO
    Clean room air conditioning systems
    KC-AMS, AMS, etc.
  • Resuscitation units AMS-MZMO
    Resuscitation units
    UBL, BOV, etc.
  • Medical Consoles AMS-MZMO
    Medical Consoles
    KPM-AMS, KPM-VE, etc.
  • Air purification units AMS-MZMO
    Air purification units
    BOV et al .
  • Lamps and irradiators AMS-MZMO
    Lamps and irradiators
    SSG, SLG, etc.
  • Industrial incubators AMS-MZMO
    Industrial incubators
    AMS-P and others.
  • Medical clean rooms AMS-MZMO
    Medical clean rooms
    blocks, halls, etc.
  • Clean production facilities AMS-MZMO
    Clean production facilities
    pharmaceutical, etc.
  • Enclosing structures AMS-MZMO
    Enclosing structures
    windows, doors, etc.
  • Biosafety modules AMS-MZMO
    Biosafety modules
    MBB et al .
  • Modular buildings AMS-MZMO
    Modular buildings
    typical , etc .


AMC-MZMO (Miass) is well known in the field of medicine. The company produces a wide range of products for healthcare, industry, laboratories of various fields of activity.
  • the past

    Thanks to the enthusiasm with which the company's specialists took up the implementation of their ideas, unique developments of air purification units and sterile cabinets appeared for the first time in 1993.

    Along with the serial production of ready-made and proven developments, the association continued to work at a rapid pace on the creation of the latest medical equipment.
  • present

    Over 25 years of hard and fruitful work, AMC-MZMO has turned from a tiny company around the corner into an extensive and modern production association with huge intellectual and technical potential.

Information Board AMS-MZMO

Learn more about our products AMS-MZMO.
  • Questionnaire factory AMC-MZMO


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